The more I think about it, the more I realise that there are but just two inherent human flaws that have and will continue to rule the world and our lives.
We live on a planet with a population of 7billion people. No matter how hard you try you cannot imagine how much that is. In South Africa alone there are 51.7 million and even that fraction is unimaginable to every single one of us.
But I digress…
In 2500 BCE (Before Common Era) the oldest archeologically verified king on the Sumerian List of the Kings is En-me-barage-si who was the ruler of Kish and to whom reference is made in one of the oldest literary works, the Epic of Gilgamesh.
I am however fairly certain that throughout the ages there was a certain type of psychopath who was self-obsessed enough to kill to assert their will. Ruthless, single-minded despots who made ‘lesser men’ bow to their lust for power.
The second type of human being is the rest of us who would rather bow down than be hurt for what we think is right. Most of us would rather change the way we think before standing up to the giant with the blood soaked axe in his hand that subordinates us all.
And in our cowardice and fear and the unthinking constructed state that we call reality we kill each other and treat each other like we are not of the same species because the norm to which we subscribe has been designed by certifiable, criminally insane sociopaths who by might of arms has turned our species into an abomination.
And the worst part is that for all the supposedly growing consciousness, the horror will not change. This reality is as good as it’s ever going to get again. We’ve allowed it to go too far and the only hope left is the total destruction of the hell that is this system.
Only when there is absolutely nothing left, when the destruction is absolute and final, will a new hope be born. And that tomorrow will have to be so completely new that you and I shouldn’t have a part in it.
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