Saturday, 13 April 2013

Please Lord?!

There are millions of our brothers and sisters that pray everyday to their God for a meal and security. We are not criminals when our prayers are answered and the food that is prepared is acquired from the proceeds of some criminal deed. I am not a criminal for standing up for what is right and trying to protect myself. (PAUSE) When you close your eyes to pray, what is it that you see in your imagination? Is it the pretty white Jesus that has been fed to us by the popular media or is it some other indefinable thing? Is it a balm for your pain; courage against the crippling fear; a hopeless fight against resignation; or a perfectly blissful, unthinking belief in divine intervention? Dear lord, we have sinned and continue to do so at every possible opportunity. Dear God, forgive us even though we cannot forgive each other. Oh lord my God, who am I? Am I the innocent child in Africa or the mother in the Middle East or the dead father? Am I any different from the mindlessly happy characters that continue to be forced upon me by popular culture? Am I just lazy or am I a reflection of someone else’s branding; just an impression, a stereotype, a typecast, bad actor playing a role in the tragic, sit-com of existence? And even when the programme is no longer appealing, we are told that we should still be happy because at least it is entertainment. Dear lord please increase my viewing pleasure and release me from these burdens I pray, amen.

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