Sunday, 21 April 2013

There is a 'u' & 'i' in community

I’m not disconnected, I’m interconnected. I’m connected to so much through so much that I am connected to nothing. I am just like you but I fail to see the similarities: but we are similar yet I’m not like you. We can talk about similar things – even the same things – and we can express similar views, views that may even sound the same. We could even like similar things or dislike other things or support a similar cause, but my cause will never be the same as yours. No more.

No longer am I able to stand aside while everything hurtles headlong into a solid wall – into the nothing beyond oblivion where my neighbours plight is of no concern to me; where my own comfort and safety and prospects are secured. 

Have we learned nothing over the course of the infinite millennia? 

Just the greed and the avarice and the criminally inhumane unconcern: this criminal complicity yet again. 

Unable to reach out the hand that will make you and I, us. 

There is only a ‘u’ in human, but there is an ‘i’ and a ‘u’ in community. 

Until we listen to the music we cannot dance to the song, we’ll never connect the dots unless…

It’s like not caring for a mother, or a lover, or a child. Its not an absence of feeling, its just one crippled emotion: fear and I am not convinced that your fear deserves understanding!

There’s no me in community but there is a ‘u’ and ‘i’. 

Too much talk, too much rhetoric and posturing and self interest. 

Too many processes and seeking approval and ideas that can be implemented once you manage to free some time and write out the plan; to death. The idea seems to die but lays dormant, growing weak: no getting weak, being made weak by inaction, atrophying! Fading, but still there, sometimes waiting to be drawn forth and resuscitated; reconnected to the self to live again. 

‘U’ and ‘I’ are a part of community, remember? Community member…

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