Thursday, 22 September 2011


Humanity is crippled
Limbs lying broken with shattered bones exposed
Ripped flesh, wounds gaping and rent
Spilled blood soaking the earth
Flaked skin blown away.

We turn away
Unable to comprehend
Not willing, refusing
To take it all in, to accept
We condone the raging hatred.

The words we use are of peace and love
Our actions the syntax of another idiom
An alternate tongue that informs our apathy
Forked and venomous, dangerous
Buried beneath tombs of a castrated knowledge.

Desensitized, cold and far removed
Looking in through the double-glazed glass
Not quite seeing the muted inaction
Breathing, the vapour, the curtains closed
Closed doors, closed minds, terminally unthinking.

Still-born, stunted thoughts un-living
The pretty decay of in-substance
Turning away again
Convinced that nothing’s happening
Dancing in a crowd after the band’s stopped playing.

Graceless epileptics’ grotesque antics
Twisting and twirling and scaring the children
Unwilling to stop or drop the baton
Unable to do what really matters
Un-named, unconscious and faceless.

Not willing, not able
Unthinking, not stable
Holding desperately onto outdated views
A concept of faith that’s intrinsically skewed
Believing the lies while the executioner smiles.

Until such time that we all wake up; that we all face up
To the unavoidable fact that we’re just playing bit parts in a terminal farce
Fulfilling our roles with a gormless aplomb while humanity dies around us
We will continue to look at real life as if it’s a screen-saver
Pointing a crooked finger at an indistinct reflection, convinced that its entertainment.

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