Wednesday, 25 December 2013


The tooth fairy and the Easter bunny
Sat drinking one night in a bar
When Santa Claus walked in with a swagger
Already drunk and disorderly and itching for a fight
After Snow White had given him shit again
Because she felt guilty that she had been with Mowgli
And Casper the barman had to raise his voice
To calm things down as Jesus walked in with Goldilocks on his arm.

Outside the dwarves were on their knees
And the giants with their swords held high
Were mowing them down left and right
While the sun and the moon were having high tea
And the king was fucking the queen’s daughter
Behind the farmer’s barn while the cows looked on disapprovingly
Asking each other what had become of the world
When even the raindrops were falling skyward.

When I grow up in a million years
I’d want to be an ophthalmologist at night
And during the day I am going to be a conjuror
I’ll charge all the near-sighted followers exorbitant sums
To open their eyes so that they can see
That all the hocus-pocus that they claim to believe
Is what keeps us blind and dumb like the animals on a farm
Each in its own pen in seeming harmony.

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