Monday 23 December 2013

City Bowl Blues

The sharp edges are brushed by polluted shades
As the day expires flirting graciously with the dusk
The angry hard drive buzz is reduced to a calmer hum
The island, the ships, the further shore.

A neighbour lingering at his door
Chatting to some girls with his boy in his arms
But mommy’s not happy and comes out to get her son
Sometimes sitting here on the balcony can be such fun.

Evening descends with a touch more fuss
A teenager gets scolded for missing the bus
The professional makes way for tired and casual
The smog and sun’s afterglow creates something special.

Birdsong drifts fragile as the cacophony subsides
To be shattered by a roar as a traffic light changes
Moving in unison despite their strangeness
And the general mindlessness besides.

Hues of grey and crimson mingle with a far truer blue
As the moon and sun share the blossoming sky
Carrying the smell of a thousand suppers
At home and with friends or simply alone.

Night heralds its arrival with a base beat thumping deep below
The city is transformed beneath its neon halo
The island, the ships, the far shore, the twinkle and flash
Indistinct shapes roam dark shadows in search of cash.

The ocean spills up into the infinitely black firmament
Yet more pointless loss and destruction are imminent
When the passion lies denied, festering, waiting to die
And the look in your eyes fails to hide your lies while the city cries.

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