Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Morsigge Varke!

Manners maketh man! It is said…

However when travelling through Africa such considerations are not important. What is important are notions of privilege, entitlement, arrogance and the simpleton’s confirmation that sanctions centuries-old preconceptions and confirms opinions gathered from the propagandized mainstream-media.

Suddenly to greet is not necessary and a simple ‘thank-you’ is more than most deserve. Rubbish can be left for someone else to pick up and it is quite okay to leave dirty dishes because someone else will surely clean it: and not to mention when the dishes are done and there are cups and plates and bowls that still have visible streaks and blobs of food. Die varke is kak morsig!

It makes me wonder whether any of these people actually wipe their asses or whether they have a cleaner to take care of personal hygiene as well!

And yet, mention is regularly made of how ‘civilized’ it is to have ice in their gin and tonic after a long, hot day on the road. Or how someone will ‘die for a cup of tea’ and I think to myself “Yes! Please do the world a favour!”

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