Friday, 28 November 2014

Adjusting the lenses...

The mornings have been tranquil and mild. Unlike the traffic. I have to remind myself that my usual preconceptions are no longer relevant: I have to keep in mind that this is not just another camp site somewhere in South Africa.

I spent a few hours yesterday taking stock of the mobile kitchen and today should see the inventory being completed. It seems as if the previous tour chefs had no idea of how to cook a decent meal with loads of MSG ‘spices’ and sauces and canned foods.

And while I am thinking menus and making tentative inquiries, Gary is doing repairs to the truck. We had to take a trip to check for parts and I was intrigued by the sight of extensive plant nurseries along the side of the road: and a fruit vendor on a bicycle selling slices of watermelon to students outside the university gates.

No one smokes on the streets and motorbike taxis stand in groups along the roads, while others weave precariously through the traffic, their passengers without helmets and quite unperturbed.

One thing is for certain. I am relieved that I am not required to drive.

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