Wednesday 20 March 2013

Ode To the Allemanns

Often life’s journey presents so much more
Than all the anticipation; exceeding every expectation
More even than can be conjured by my most vivid imagination
Such is the case upon this landscape which I now traverse
Which has served to restore my faith in the universe.

I came to this place with a singular focus
Intent that nothing would detract from my purpose
To record a tale of my own mad creation
A tale of pain and triumph; a story of this nation
I travelled alone, companioned only by my own jaded preconception.

From the moment that I arrived I was made to feel at home
Here where a part of my soul will now always reside
A solitary wanderer but no longer alone
Amidst the silence and birdsong and the freedom to be
Amongst strangers, no longer, where I could just be me.

And from that very first moment I’ve been struggling to put down
The words that would suitably express my heartfelt gratitude
My deepest, humble appreciation of your kindness
For having had the honour and the pleasure
For having been granted this opportunity to be a part of this beauty.

And still the words fail to convey all that I feel
So instead I will just say my Thank You to you now
For your open arms and the bounty of your hearts
For sharing your lives and your love and the ready laughter
But thank you most of all for your honesty and being all of you.

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