Thursday, 10 May 2012


It fell 
From my face
On the floor.

Nowhere to run
No place to hide
No more deception
No delusions.

I am exposed
My rose tinted spectacle
Lies broken
On the ground.

1 comment:

Carole Di Tosti said...

Enjoy your work. Joined your blog. My poetry is very different...I love the constraint of lyrical forms...sonnets...and the super constraint of spiritual themes (not religion) Faith, belief, in that dreaded Christian god many despise or find loathsome. I've found, once the struggle was over...He's pretty cool and very funny. I an example of His humor, I guess, especially when I get in my own way which is very often.

Anyway, thanks for sharing...wanted to let you know I appreciate your work and effort and am giving support as one writer to another. My sonnet blog is

Ciao for now,