Monday, 4 April 2011


They call it the mating game,
But I think it’s more like a con game.

In the first place,
You have to make eye con-tact
Which if you are lucky
Leads to a smile and
Maybe even a con-versation.

The point of the con-versation of course
Is to con-vince the other person that
With or without con-traception,
The two of you really should
Con-summate your bond.

But unfortunately
The intimate act of con-summation
Leaves one of you feeling
As if they are in con-trol
And the other feeling con-fused.

And what’s more, if you are lucky,
You won’t con-tract any STI’s
Because nowadays,
There are those kinds of con-sequences
When it comes to sexual con-quests.

1 comment:

Khoi Gxam Productions said...

I would love to see this translated into German (or any other language for that matter) without losing the word play...