Sunday, 12 July 2020

Homo sapien Sapien?

I have always seen you
Watching me
As I observe you
You steal another symbol
You want me to know
You want to sell it back to me
Another pre-packaged paper-god
Bad liar
Ruthless cheat
I have always seen you
You killed the first warrior
Who deigned to dissent
You thought you killed us all
I see you
When you sold the brow beaten offspring
Your versions of the truth and they bought it
You thought you bought us all
But I am not sold
I see you
People of people
We are species defined
Homo sapien sapien
One humankind
But no...
Wie is djy
Wat is djy
Waar is djy
Smaller and smaller and smaller the define
No more divine
Holding onto your flat-earth-philosophies
Distracted by belief in the metaphor and ego
You uphold the very power
Whose knee is on your neck
And suffocating your mind