Friday, 11 September 2020



there is the baby pure

and perfect before all

the shit happens

dimming the shine

indelible in time

there is the toddler already

tainted with gifts given

pink booties and blue

blankie seemingly safe

within it all

there is the child sent off

in uniform to be taught

to conform force

fed a view of the world

that contrasts with reality

then there is the adult youth spent

on experience gained reeling

through traumas doggedly suppressed

knowing no more

than the baby that was

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Homo sapien Sapien?

I have always seen you
Watching me
As I observe you
You steal another symbol
You want me to know
You want to sell it back to me
Another pre-packaged paper-god
Bad liar
Ruthless cheat
I have always seen you
You killed the first warrior
Who deigned to dissent
You thought you killed us all
I see you
When you sold the brow beaten offspring
Your versions of the truth and they bought it
You thought you bought us all
But I am not sold
I see you
People of people
We are species defined
Homo sapien sapien
One humankind
But no...
Wie is djy
Wat is djy
Waar is djy
Smaller and smaller and smaller the define
No more divine
Holding onto your flat-earth-philosophies
Distracted by belief in the metaphor and ego
You uphold the very power
Whose knee is on your neck
And suffocating your mind

Saturday, 20 June 2020

'n nuwe normaal

waneer ‘out of the box’
net uitval
in ‘n groter karton doos
dan beteken ons idees fokkol

as domkop nog steeds wegkruip
agter groot woorde
en groter gebàre
dan beteken ons geleerdheid tog fokkol

when relavance reigns
in a mass of mediocrity
en almal is oortuig
dat alles is net ‘fantastic’

en die mensdom glo
in die metafoor
te slim om te besêf
hoe onnoosel ons eintlik is

when new is just another attempt
at doing the same thing over
again hoping for a different result
dan beteken dié poging ook fokkol