Saturday, 7 December 2019


an edict, a decree
proclaimed and dictated
a whim: a writ

innocuous power
brutal simplicity

everything is legit

raids and crusades
bigotry and prejudice
and genocide

throughout the ages
and still the most
insidious weapon

Monday, 22 July 2019

D.I.R.E. - for JWF

In an age defined
By dogma and despots;
where destinies are determined
By the dictates of the deranged:
Death is desired.

We are ill-informed:
Believing in idiotic, imposed illusions
That insult intelligence
And inspire ideas of ill-intent
In the minds of the ignorant.

Thrice removed from reality,
Repeatedly stripped of any right:
We are religiously resigned
To the rape and ravages
Of the ruthless who rule.

Economically excluded ecological consciousness -
Empty the revolt without evolution -
Evanescent events erased entirely,
Elliciting empty echoes:
Energy expires evoking an end.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Parkie Gedagtes

Julle ken teen die tyd vir my...

We’ve walked a lekker padjie together this far
from one gesȇls with one to two to us few
over time and meetings ill-attended
for all the obvious reasons
en nog gesȇls en ‘n biertjie en kak praat
ons is nou hier
the moment of action that all of that time

We’ve talked the good talk
and now its that time where talk won’t do
when excuses won’t cut it
and action will define this thing that we call
Suurbraak Parkie.

Julle ken teen die tyd mekaar...

We’ve talked a lekker gedagte this far
from one idea to a few to this all
this time your presence is primary
for all the obvious reasons
en nog ‘n dag en hard werk en ander kak
praat ons nie meer nie
the moment of action is all of time

We’ve talked the good talk
and now its that time where talk won’t do
when excuses won’t cut it
and action will define this thing that we call
Suurbraak Parkie.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019


in f-act
a most fitting expression
of love the metaphorical
a thorn and a rose
this Love denied

again the cliché

“If you love something...”

you returned
witness to a better me
than i have ever been
and you

everything and more
i am sure
than what I sensed
as a child of five
who was all of me
once too

now in these moments
there is an ‘all of me’
witnessing all of you
abject submission:
me and my ego
and YOU my friend...

Thursday, 14 March 2019

ek in elk

siel verwand
een heelal
bring ons terug
na self

te veel bekke
wat klets
en iets te sê
het net

reach out
new highs
engaging expression

een twis
word bewus
van ekke
in ander

een twis

Friday, 8 March 2019


life is so much
more than what we think
or what we do

living seperates us
from what
we could have been

the final destination
death’s lasting embrace
we forget for a moment

the differences
trivial and profound
we remember for a moment

Friday, 25 January 2019


(pic credit - MDB)

in your gaze
i am once again able
to see more of me
embracing all of you
the quintessence within
our pasts’ stories
etched upon our skins
scars caressed
tender kisses
memories of tears
in laughter
we grow knowing
yesterday’s fragility
tomorrow’s wholding