Friday, 28 February 2014


hulle sê
ek is mal
hulle praat baie
ma' hulle
sê niks.

i am not
well adjusted
my faith
is not entrusted
to some social structure
designed to keep me
in my place.

i am not
apathetically idle,
only happy
to be sad
and powerless
a pawn, a victim
of happenchance
or circumstance.

hulle sê
ek is befok
but ek is
my belief
is vested in the many
truths i see.

expressed in our actions
or more likely
our inaction
content with discontent
turning a blind eye
convinced of the lie
in our minds.

hulle bly sê
ek is nog altyd mal
ma’ hulle stemme is dof
net so
‘s hulle gedagtes
vol bedrog
ma’ tog bly
hulle sê niks.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014


I often wonder
What it is that you see
As you look out
Through the double-glazed veneer
Of your privileged arrogance
And the insolence of entitlement
That frames your perception.

I often wonder
Who it is that you see
When you look
At someone like me
Proud and comfortable
In my skin
Of earth-tones and darkness.

Do you ever wonder
About a mind and a soul
Or a whole being beyond
The limits of all
You think you know
And the places you go
To get away from what surrounds you.

Do you ever wonder
About your complicity
In maintaining this status quo
And the inherent violence
That sustains this inequality
And the ingrained injustice
That you so conveniently ignore.

I sometimes wonder
About what it all means
Whether the purchased education
And material success
Has any substance
If it serves only to enhance the distance
Between your view and what is true.

But mostly there is
No need to wonder
The cause and effects
Blatantly apparent
The callousness abhorrent
The outlook remains myopic
This democracy is despotic.